Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Saint Michael is Revered and Used as Protection Against Evil

Saint Michael

Catholics and Christians have called upon St. Michael the Archangel for protection on several occasions. When a great plaque struck Rome in 590, Pope St. Gregory the Great led a procession through the streets as an act of penance, seeking forgiveness and atonement of the sins of man. At the tomb of Hadrian (now Castle Sant'Angelo near St. Peter's Basilica), Saint Michael is known to have appeared and brandished his sword, thereby ending the great plaque. Today, a chapel is built in honor of St. Michael and within it lies a formidable statue of the revered archangel.

Throughout the centuries, Christians have always depicted the great Archangel Michael as a saint warrior who wields a sword of fire or spear, while standing triumphantly on a serpent or other representation of Satan. The archangel is also known for the power he guides in saving the souls of the faithful from the power of Satan especially at the hour of death. Occasionally, St Michael is also noted to be holding the scales of justice or the Book of Life, both symbols of the last judgment.

Saint Michael maintains the higher order of angels and represents together with Saint Raphael and Saint Gabriel, as God's messengers to man in matters of graver moment. Saint Michael is also the protector of the church and invoked to be "our safeguard against the wickedness and snares of the devil". Being the warrior saint, St Michael is oftentimes shown brandishing a sword, battling or standing in victory over a snake, dragon or Satan. If you are seeking statues of Saint Michael for use as part of monuments or memorials, consider choosing statues made of granite or solid marble for long lasting use.

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