Friday, December 23, 2016

Changing Trends in Residential Landscaping

Fountain Statues add Character to a Landscape

Over the last century or more, the development of homes has become so familiar. For instance, the front yards have been made to look familiar with a lawn, a few shrubs and a tree or two which could be set up affordably and quickly. However, all this has done nothing to boost what we would call residential landscaping since the look of one house is now no different from the other. Additionally, many families now spend less time in their manicured lawns than they have ever done before.

There has also been a greater dependence on chemical fertilizers and pesticides with frequent irrigation used to ensure the plants and trees are continually watered. What it has done is to remove the manner gardening was engaged in back in the old days when compost and marsh sludge were applied and weeds were manually pulled out by hand. Today, we put up with fewer weeds with more dependence on chemicals to treat our lawn and garden landscaping projects. It is little wonder why rainwater has become so intensified with chemicals that it has now caused pollution in our waterways.

However, homeowners are now finding creative and environmentally friendly ways to develop their front yards. Many communities are now keeping their neighborhoods cooler with tree-lined streets while natural drainage swales reduce the amount of water carried away by storm drains. There have been pathways built with shared green spaces to support neighborhood activities in communities from basketball to outdoor activities like potlucks and community affairs. All these increase the diversity of plantings thereby boosting the development of more unique lawns and gardens to admire.

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