Sunday, November 13, 2016

Wolves Can Howl and Howl…..

A Lost Wolf Will Howl and Howl So It Can Be Tracked....

Wolves have been constantly used to express the subject of fairy tales. For instance, no one can ignore the story of the Little Red Riding Hood and her encounters with the big, bad wolf. But wolves aren’t really as bad as you may think and they are facing extinction because people kill them out of fear and mostly because of the belief they would attack livestock. However, like dogs, wolves too belong to the Canidae family. Little wonder why they look so alike! The thing to remember though is dogs have been long domesticated by mankind while wolves continue to live in the wild. Like dogs, wolves too can feel threatened by human presence and are most likely to run when someone approaches them.

Ever wondered about the way wolves express themselves though? Many will remember a wolf based on the way it howls and a wolf can howl for long durations. It is true that like dogs, wolves too sound themselves in other ways. They bark, whine and whimper too. Yet, man always remembers the wolf based on the sound it makes and most often it is the howl that captivates us. However, have you wondered why the wolf howls?

It is said that howling keeps the wolf pack together. While wolves may track large areas for food, it is the howling that binds the pack together when one wolf gets lost from its kind. When a wolf howls, it is said that the sound travels across a wide terrain and works to keep lost wolves aware of where their pack may lie. Howling is also low-pitched and sounded over a long time. It is the best means used for communicating in forests and across a large terrain. As such, howling can be viewed as a social means of binding wolves in a pack and now, you know that when a wolf sounds a howl, there may be a reason. There just could be more waiting to save it nearby….

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